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« Jamboree Camp Bedford 1939 | Main | Want to locate someone? »

September 26, 2008


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Danny Sokel

Please add to the directory
Danny & Fran(Feddy) Sokel, Karmiel,Israel

Debbie Gelbard

Please add to the directory
Debbie Gelbard (Silver), Ganei Tikva, Israel

Larry Shulman

Please add to the directory

Larry Shulman (Glasgow Ken), living in London

married to

Sarah Miller (South Manchester and Sheffield Kenim(), living in London

frank farbenbloom

Information posted. Note Sarah has additional entry under Miller.

Nick Sigler

Please add Nick Sigler to list, living in London

Brenda & Stuart Mowe nee Sefton

I wantto contact Evvie & Barry Plotkin/ I need their phone number, as I am only in Israel for a few days.
My phone number in Israel is 0525297364. My sister's email is [email protected],since I cannot easily access my home email.

Michael Lewis

Please add to the list Michael Lewis,formerly Glasgow Ken. I now liv e in Tampa Florida

Naomi Geffen

Please add me to the directory: Naomi Geffen nee Goss. I started Habonim at age 9 in Kenton, but when it closed down, progressed to the NW London Ken. Went on Machon as part of my shnat hachshara in 1976-77 and came on Aliyah in 1981. I presently live in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

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